
Gracie, I had to laugh when I read "you tackled a lot." It all seemed to intertwine. Yes, gratitude is the core thesis. I fully realize that I was born into favorable circumstances, not the least of which was also the opportunity to be free to act to build on that foundation. I suppose I always had a subliminal sense of gratitude that surfaced once in a while, like at the Munich Airport, but the older I get the more grateful I am for everything.

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You've tackled a lot here, Fred. But, as I read it, gratitude is the core thesis. I could not agree more that we live in a remarkable time and place. Those of us in America who have white privilege and relative wealth, access to education, health care, and various luxuries captured by our discretionary income MUST be aware of our bounty. We need to share that bounty and we need to keep gratitude in our minds at all time. TBH, that applies , I think, to all human beings. We have life. We can be grateful for that. But some of us have so much for which to be grateful. Like you, I was aware of my blessings even in my youth. I grew up being reminded daily to be grateful for the dinner in front of me and for the family around me. I was reminded that I was healthy and had a library card. I was rainsed ina. large working class family so not a lot of extras and money had to be stretched (especially since my parents wanted us to attend Catholic schools (cha ching). There are days now when I am struggling more with physical and mental health issues but I can almost always find my way to a more reasonable place by saying thank you. I say thank you to the people around me and I say thank you to the Universe/God/Divine Presence - whatever you choose to call that almighty power (love?). I hope I havef taught my own children to do the same. They are the kids who really got it all b/c they grew up with all the privilege I had PLUS two parents who had professional employment that brought in enough money that there was room for some vacay or an occasional meal out . I watch my kids now as they raise tiny human beings of their own. May the thread of gratitude always run though their lives. Thank you for this thoughtful piece.

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