
Michael, the Bertrand Russell comment said it perfectly. I guess the point of those zombie shows is that in chaotic times, bad people will take advantage of the chaos; bad people will always be bad. I guess Hobbe's world of war of all against all, is based on human self-interest which seems universal. Interesting that the left is fine imposing order, yet Antifa, BLM , the leftists, antisemitic useful idiots on the campuses, seem to love chaos.

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In all apocalyptic novels, as soon as the zombies attack or whatever, instead of helping each other, people distrust and turn on each other. That isn’t reality.

"People do not, at most times, love those whom they find sitting next to them in a bus. But during the blitz, they did."

Bertrand Russell, Authority and the Individual (1949)

Hobbes was wrong about the default human nature being for human beings to attack each other. And yet I still see his “truth” being used to justify the leftists’ claim that the only alternative to the iron fist government control is chaos. Voluntary cooperation and the invisible hand of spontaneous order work better in most cases.

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