By the way the article morphed quickly from men who take advantage of lonely women financially into women who love psycho killers. Getting back to the first subject - You do realize the vast majority of people taken advantage of financially in relationships are MEN. Not women.

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I grew up in a post war neighbourhood filled with wrecked WWII vets and their families. Lots of violence and bad behaviour. The bad guys in my cohort never lacked for females who wanted them. The young women might like a normal Guy but would say derisively ‘I like _____, but he’s too nice’. Everyone knew what she meant.

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Very interesting. I was not aware that that was a pattern. The Viet Nam era had its share of maladjusted vets. Are you saying that the girls preferred guys with bad behavior? Do you think this happened considering the socioeconomics of that particular neighborhood?

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The girls wanted overtly masculine men. Which in a poor neighbourhood, which this was, usually meant physically tough. Mentally tough was an intangible. Financially tough was pie in the sky. So physically tough was it.

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I never lived in that world, but what you say makes perfect sense.

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Is it wrong that this makes me question giving women the vote?

Yes, because even if the bizarre behavior in the stories is shocking, the women really do represent only a tiny percentage of their sex. (Yes, sex. Not 'gender'.)

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I can't ❤️ this as it is too sad. Yes, human beings are messy messy messy. I suspect that women who get involved with such criminals have family influences and issues that take them in that direction. They likely don't see their behavior as unhealthy until it is too. late? IDK. I am grateful for being rasied in a family where I was respected . I'm sure it made a difference.

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I think these women fool themselves into thinking that they alone have the power to straighten these guys out. Lots of books around like “Smart Women, Foolish Choices.” By the way, I picked up a copy of “The Worm at the Coare.” Didn’t know it existed. Thanks for that.

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Agreed. I think that too often happens where a person thinks they have the influence or the power to change another person. They don't get that it doesn't work like that.

I' glad you found The Worm at the Core. It's pretty interesting to me.

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WOW, the mind reels. It is important to learn not to let ones emotions rule oneself,, not stressed much these days. But then, loneliness can be a killer.

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It's difficult to keep emotions in check. We have all those defense mechanisms that automatically kick in to help us fool ourselves. Yes, loneliness is a killer; statistics support that contention.

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People need to work on it, and I think that viewpoint is less in evidence these days. It’s one of those eternal battles of life.

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