Ah, but now all these years later, do you how how you feel about it all?

Our youngest went off to college in 2005. The transition was hard for me but I was still working and that , along with caring for my elderly parent, gave me purpose. Health issues led to an earlier retirement than expected and I floundered for - literally - several years. But then grandchildren came along and the desire/need to provide child care took over my life. These days I spend about 40 hours a week caring for two three year olds.

I appreciate the poignancy in the piece. We are young and full of plans, dreams, and all that. Then life turns into the busy-ness of making those plans / dreamd / goals happen. And the years just slip by so quickly. On the other side of the dreams, one wonders about it all. That's maybe all you can do, eh? Wonder and appreicate the gift that is life.

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I think you missed your calling! This had me laughing and dewy eyed at the same time. What a wonderfully written piece that everyone who has been a child of loving parents, have their own children to tend to, or are at any stage of the empty nest syndrome can relate to.

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